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Loving Me
21 Day Self Love Devotional
Rooted in God's Word

Journey to self-love with this 21-day devotional inspired by God's love and rooted in His word!


Take a sneak peak inside...


Day 1-  Self Love is a Commandment

“No other love, no matter how genuine it is, can fulfill one’s heart better than unconditional self-love.”  ~Edmond Mbiaka 


What is Self- love?  Self-love is defined by Websters Dictionary as a love of self or regard for one's own happiness or advantage. I believe we should remember the scripture where Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment?  His response was, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, Now pay close attention to what Jesus says next. “and the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”  In this scripture, it is assumed that we are loving ourselves only second to God…and that we are loving ourselves well. If this isn’t the case, why would God tell us to love others as we love ourselves? This makes perfect sense to me; a vessel can only pour what it’s carrying!  How can we carry and pour out God’s love if we aren’t overflowing with God’s love for ourselves? And Jesus finishes with, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”   How awesome is that! It is a biblical commandment for us to love ourselves; a commandment that is right up there with loving God with all our being!


Even though this scripture is clear to me, I know some may think I am getting carried away with my interpretation. So many of us have struggled with the concept of self-love because it is often associated with worldliness, and words like self-centeredness, conceitedness, egotism, and narcissism… and like so many other things…is stamped as being “of the devil!’


However, if you're reading this book, “thinking of yourself more highly than you ought” hasn’t been your problem. Like me, and so many women who sit before me in therapy, you’ve probably struggled for years to see yourself as worthy of love. Somewhere on a conscious or subconscious level, you haven’t genuinely felt loved. You’ve looked for it in the world and you’ve looked for it in a house of worship, but you couldn’t find it there either.  You can only find self-love where God put His Spirit, and that is on the inside of you!


God desires for you to take this journey of honoring who he created you individually and uniquely to be. He wants you to allow yourself to be drawn closer to your creator and to fall wildly in love with his prized possession; You!

My prayer for you:


My prayer is that you open your heart to love yourself the way God loves you. I pray that you come to know that it is about you, even though we’ve been told it isn’t! Heaven has great love for you, and if it were only you, Jesus still would have surrendered to the cross and the grave so that you can share in his resurrection. I pray that you grow to love who and what God loves…you!


This is what happened (and is still happening for me, and it is my desire for it to happen for you!


Note: Reflection Question and journal prompts are included for each day of the devotional. 


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